When parents live apart, they construct a parenting plan. Many separated parents find it helpful to have an agreement in place in case of problems and to align their goals for their children.
This blog discusses what a prenuptial agreement should include, the most common custody arrangement, and whether a parenting plan is enforceable in the UK.
Start by defining broad parameters for raising your children separately.
This will address problems such as how you and your spouse regard each parent’s role in the children’s upbringing, the children’s strengths, and your objectives for future parenting arrangements.
WHERE AND WHEN WILL THE KIDS STAY? What happens if the schedule changes?
Then, designate where your kids will sleep each night. You may repeat weeks 1 and 2 in weeks 3 and 4, or agree on something different. School vacation arrangements vary.
The schedule is flexible. It may also involve phone or facetime and cases where youngsters spend time with one parent but sleep with the other.
Schedules seldom match. The timeline will alter as the kids’ activities, school, and lives change. It’s best to install anything knowing it may need tweaking over time.
3. What will happen during school vacations and half-term?
Parents have various vacation schedules. This is sometimes done so one parent can make up for time missed during the school year, when it’s harder to spend time with the kids or help with child care. Three Half-Terms Easter and Christmas Vacations Summer Vacations
Unless your kids attend private school, you’ll have 13 weeks of school holidays to organise.
4. How you talk about children in the future is important. You can address the children’s needs over coffee or the phone regularly, quarterly, or annually.
If communication is difficult, a communication book with the children’s schoolwork, meds, and other information may be helpful. Keep language appropriate since children may read it.
After selecting the school term and break schedules, you must determine if critical days require alterations. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are important to many parents. You can also provide your own and your step brothers’ birth dates.
Parenting arrangements may be challenging over the holidays and New Year’s. Focus on what the kids desire and what the family needs.
6. Expenses
This includes child support payments and school trips and clothing. Cell phones, subscriptions, and extracurricular activities may be covered. To calculate child support, use this page’s calculator.
You both have kids, right? You should both choose your kids’ schools. Your strategy should incorporate family input meetings, school activities, and other school issues. In their interaction with parents, schools usually supply both parents’ email addresses. https://greater-manchester.ukfamilymediationservice.co.uk/
As parents, you must both have a say in any emergency and be notified immediately if your child is hospitalized. Before handing over Calpol, discuss if a youngster has taken it.
Grandparents have their own rights to visit their grandchildren, but they may be included in your plan together with other family members to help the children stay in touch with their wider family.
New partners
It’s a hot issue. Many effective arrangements fail when a new partner is added, so it’s worth discussing early, even if it won’t be a problem for a while.
How will you communicate as parents to minimise the emotional impact of a new spouse on your child? (ren). If administered slowly to children, it can improve their health.
You’ll need parental permission to take the kids internationally. It doesn’t matter how long your travel is. You may get a Kid Arrangements Order saying the youngster usually lives with you. Under these situations, you don’t need permission to take a child overseas for 28 days.
If you decide to take the kids overseas, discuss airfare, lodgings, etc. in advance.
Determine who will possess passports and who will pay for their upkeep. Consider whether the youngsters can contact the other parent while they’re overseas.
Find out if you may send your kids abroad during the school year.
For holidays in England and Wales, parental authorization is not necessary; nevertheless, you should exercise caution if you want to take the youngster to Scotland, Northern Ireland, or The Channel Islands.
If in doubt, get legal advice, although addressing these difficulties in your parenting plan before they become a problem is best.
You can have the children observe certain religious practices at both houses or agree on an united disciplinary method. After divorce, it’s hard to influence how the other parent raises the kids.
If you agree on one parenting style, incorporate it in your strategy. Some parents say their kids can’t spend more than three hours on the computer or must be in bed by 9 p.m. Using family mediation to handle future problems can be a good idea.
It may be helpful to agree not to speak adversely about the other parent in front of the child; you’re criticising someone the youngster loves.
Is a UK parenting plan legally binding?
No, a parenting plan is not legally required, although it may be filed in court if both parties agree. Submit a child arrangements order application to make a legally enforceable order. Both parties must present in court, even if they agree.
What if we can’t agree on parenting arrangements?
Trying family mediation if you can’t agree on a parenting plan. You can move to court for a child arrangements order if this fails. The court expects you to conduct correctly throughout the procedures, including before your court appearance.
A co-parenting agreement explains how parents will raise their children while living apart. You may agree to a 50/50 parenting plan where the kids spend equal time with each parent.
Where can I learn more about UK parenting plans?
This link will take you to Cafcass’s parenting plan page. Family courts authorise this. Mediation can help you agree on your parenting plan and make it legally enforceable with a child arrangement order by consent for a fixed fee. https://nottingham.ukfamilymediationservice.co.uk/
By attending your MIAM, we can ask the other parent to family mediation to construct a parenting plan. Attending an MIAM allows you to file Form C100 for a Child Arrangements Order.
If both parties agree, a parenting plan is free. You may complete a free template yourself. Mediation costs £120 per person per hour and £80 per person to develop a parenting plan.